About Pillars of Hope Empowerment Organization
Our mission at Pillars of Hope Empowerment Organization (PoHEO) is to unite Tanzanian street children, stakeholders and resource collaborators to empower our youth and communities through on-on-one community outreach and data collection of stakeholder perceptions.​
We envision a supportive community for Tanzanian street children to live healthy, educated and empowered lives. empowering youth and stakeholders.
PoHEO was founded on the concept that improvements in homeless and street youth outcomes require the combination of youth development, community stakeholders, and resource collaborators. Our goals are:
Raise awareness of the needs of street children and promote their rights.
Promote information, education and support of existing community resources.
Empowering the community on entrepreneurship skills and development.
Promote information sharing and networking aimed at empowering youth and stakeholders.
Armed with the knowledge of existing community resources, PoHEO outreach provides advocacy and education which allows youth and community stakeholders to access existing resources.
Our Mission
To unite street children, stakeholders and resource collaborators to empower our youth and communities through on-on-one community outreach and data collection
of stakeholder perceptions.
Our Vision
Envision a supportive community for
Tanzanian street children to live healthy, educated and empowered lives.